Saturday, March 31, 2012

Word on the street

Apparently with an FBI investigation ongoing, this athlete might want to reconsider his treatment of women. If his current allegations aren't enough, stories about the incentives that were given to him in order for his transfer from this top rated school to another are making the rounds on the street. The story put out was about an injury and a desire to be closer to home due to a sick family member. (Side eye, he hasn't spoken to said person consistently in years). Maybe, but he also was sporting an upgraded vehicle shortly after the transfer. Rims? You know it. Probably not a good idea to get caught messing around on females right about now. A scorned woman might talk too much about the wrong things. How do you think most things make the rounds? Goodness!

Just bad behavior

So this one doesn't have a rule attached. Simply a story of bad behavior worth telling.

This football player a few years back signed with a D1 school (now currently with the NFL). He went for a visit to the school to be shown around and do a few work outs. His behavior was appalling. Numerous complaints were brought against him for his behavior towards women. He was aggressive and demeaning to all he encountered, saying well if you want me to go to your school what are you going to do to convince me. Ofcourse he also had to participate in drug activity too, lighting up to smoke weed the entire week. Actually I'm pretty sure I've never seen him not under the influence. The school officials finally had it with his act and couldn't cover it up so the released him from commitment. He was signed to another D1 school, played and then was drafted in to the NFL. He had drug incidents at the school he actually attended, pistol whipped a fellow teammate, had run ins with drug dealers and yet you probably won't ever hear about it. The housing facilities that were accommodating the team had so many complaints against this 1 player that they ended their contract and refused to continue allowing athletes to stay there. Crazy right?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Digital Age

Rule 2: Technology allows everything you do or say to be documented. You are always 'on the record'

Thanks to the boom in recent inventions technology has improved through out the years. Smart phones, social networks, computers and tables give the ability for a record of everything you say or do. I have a story about sending pics later, which is an obvious no no, but that is not the only threat.Every text or message between you and said athlete can be saved and shared with others. There is nothing private.
Here's the deal, if you send something risque just assume that it will be forwarded to his teammates at some point. They will be taken out of context and used against you once the relations are over. This is also a method that helps prevent them from consequences. I could name so many illegal things I have witnessed college athletes encounter but the character assassination comes with it. Who wants to face that?
I dated "Seth", a college basketball player, long enough to see all his shady dealings. Having an agent before regulations allow. Getting money from various sources that funded his lifestyle (Do you really think a college student can afford nice cars and rims? Take a look at the athletic parking lot in your town and decide for yourself if those are reasonable college cars.) The list goes on, but the implications of reporting it are a killer.
You are made out to be a scorned and crazy ex who is making up stories due to the end of the relationship. Private texts that you may have sent while mad and not thinking are threatened to be made public. The money and power leverage that he had access to was nothing in comparison to what I had. Some coaches don't want a tarnished record and help assist the cover up. You have to remember sports is a billion dollar industry which has employees, players and sponsors as well as sales and merchandise. Those profiting don't wish to mess with their cash cow nor do they take nicely to any attempts to do so. The dirt digging excavation begins, and usually finds the most success in your digital record. The number of times things go unreported or charges are not filed is due to this. Who really wants their conversations and dirty laundry made public?

(Despite associations with shady people who were later implicated for illegal action in the sports world, Seth remains untouched and currently playing for the NBA. )

Let's Watch a Movie

Rule 1:
The is NO such thing as 'watching a movie' in the college athlete (and several now NFL/NBA players) vocabulary. Do not fall for it. Do not go over and expect to see a movie. It is the catch phrase for come over to my place so I can attempt to hit it. 
I mean think about the activity at hand. The movie premise calls for a dimly lit setting. In college, there is generally no common sitting area so it makes it necessary for you to place yourself in their bed. The whole idea is a blatant attempt for seduction. All they want is you in their bed and you are allowing it to happen by placing yourself in that setting. 
'Hank' being the lovely NCAA football player that he is, declared that no girl could be in his bed "that ain't f__ng" after several failed attempts at making a move on me. I was new to college and being naive genuinely believe I was invited over to watch a movie. After refusing to give in to his attempts he made the declaration, got up and opened the door. He refused to drive me home, even though he had picked me up, and I was left outside with no ride. I walked the majority of the way home, in heels, completely humiliated. 
I didn't give up my dignity and yet I still had a feeling of shame. I had never in my life been treated with the disrespect that is all too common among athletes. It is a lot to deal with. Some girls choose to succumb to the pressure to have sex in order to avoid the humiliation of what happens with the refusal. (Some are also just hoes). Either way the result of the situation leaves a woman feeling hurt and broken after.
Whether you do the deed or not the implication that you have comes the second you enter that bedroom. The damage has been done to your reputation due to the simple association. Other athletes think 'well she was down with one so she'll get down with others' while females label and judge you. Whether it's fair or not is irrelevant. It is the reality of the situation so if you choose to put yourself in it know the reality of what is expected and assumed from it, .

Allow me to introduce myself

I am not a woman out seeking justice. I am not a woman scorned and looking for payback. But I am a woman, and as such I feel obligated to share these stories with other women to help give them the upper hand. This is not a guide to landing your dream athlete, nor a gold digging manual. If that is what you are after then this is not a read for you. I am simply giving light to situations that are far too common amongst women who have relations with athletes. It is a whole different world with different rules and regulations. I hope to shed light on the “game”. All names have been changed but the stories are real.